Thursday, February 28, 2008

Memo to the World....the numbering system has changed

Seth made an interesting announcement in the bathroom yesterday. He let me know that he was changing the bathroom know the one.....#1 and #2. He has decided that #1 will now be #2 and # 2 will now be #1.

Not sure where this came from.

But looking for a rainbow in this.....I'm choosing to focus on the personality trait that maybe my son will not conform to what the world says is the way things should be and go with what he feels in heart is the right thing.

I just need to focus on making sure his heart is always in the right place!


aunty and gracie lu said...

no way. i think he and grace have been on the phone. today she took her diaper off, ran outside, and made a puddle. the she said, "look mom , doo doo."
they are on the same wave length.

aunty and gracie lu said...

now we have a pic too.....

patti said...

oh dear...what will happen to my child. we had a doo doo experience too...not a very good one!

The Corbins said...

you all are gross! wierd family! hehe!! i love you though!

aunty and gracie lu said...

gracie lu freebird would like to request more pictures. pees.