Monday, August 18, 2008

First Day of Kindergarten....the morning story

Seth didn't jump out off bed singing "first day of school" like Nemo does but I certainly did. But once he did get up and get going I was very impressed how much of his getting ready he wanted to take on independently. While I was getting ready he came to inform me he was going to pack his own lunch.

Once we got to school we let Seth lead the way in the school. That was a little hard because of his slow, take it all in, stroll down the hallway. It took alot of self-control for me not to prod him along. When we made it to the room, Ms. Udouj greeted us and even had a suprise for Seth on his hook. He had left something in the room when we stopped by on Friday night to meet her.

It was tempting to hang around but Seth found his seat and got in it so i grabbed Steve and we exited with no tears from Seth. I was able to hold my tears until we got back in the car.

I will add pictures soon.


patti said...

I'm proud of all of you! Can't wait to see pictures!!!

aunty and gracie lu said...

go seth go!!!

kindergarden in the best.

Emily said...

I cried on Whit's first day of kindergarten, too. =)